Monday, June 17, 2013

You Are Here!

Where you are today, is where you are meant to be!

Some of you may be reading this and thinking, :Are you crazy!"  "Do you think I asked for this?"  I am here to tell you...Yes! 

It may sound harsh or even crazy, but it is 100% true.  Remember, I'm your coach.  Not your best friend or your parents.  They will usually tell you what you want to hear.  Things like, "It's not your fault."  "Don't worry about it, things will get better."  

Well let me break it to you...It is your fault and it isn't going to get better! Unless you start taking action to make it better.  You are the only person that can change your situation.  Not your spouse or your parents or your boss.  Only you!

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right" - Henry Ford.

You are where you are today because of your thoughts.  What you think about consistently everyday creates your tomorrow.  There are examples of this all around us.   People who knew nothing except their final goal and they achieved it.  

If you want something better, than you need to stop making excuses and find a way to get what you want.  Has that little voice in your head ever told you, "You're not good enough."  "You're not smart enough."  You don't have enough money to do that." 

Here is a simple trick.  The next time that voice tells you anything like that, tel it to "SHUT UP!" Then think about ways that you can get it done!

The video below has a great message.  Listen to it.  Not just once, but everyday and at least once per day.  Your job is to listen to it until you "GET IT!"  How will you know when you "GOT IT?"  You just will.  You will know because your posture will change, your outlook will change.  You will know, because every time someone tells you that "you can't", you will laugh to yourself. Because you will realize that they have no idea what they are talking about!  It's not their fault.  Don't get mad at them. They don't know any better.It's like trying to explain Algebra to a one year old.  They just can't understand.   

Here is the video. Just click on the word Motivation. Listen to the words carefully.  How bad do you want it?  


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