Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fear Nothing!

Let me ask you this, "What would you do if you had no fear of failure?"  Think about that for a moment?  What would you do?  What type of home would you own?  Who are the people that you would surround yourself with?  What would you do with your family and friends?  There is no reason that you can not have those things!

The only thing that is holding you back from reaching your dreams and ambitions is your fear.  It's not your economic situation, your boss or family members that do not support you. It's not that you have been given a bad break in life. It is you and your self doubt. Let's change that starting today!

You have some homework tonight.  I want you to write down a list of three things that you would do in each of the following categories if you knew that you could not fail.  Pretend that you have no limits.  You have enormous wealth, endless connections and exceptional knowledge.  Start your list now.



Tithing (charitable giving)

Once you have completed this list.  I want you to spend one full day thinking about how you are going to achieve these items. Think about them when you first wake in the morning, when you are driving to and from work, while you are preparing dinner and then right before you go to sleep at night. Every time you think about them, i want you seeing yourself doing them.  Think about how your life would be if you achieved these items.  See yourself in situations where these things are real and you are there, right in the middle of it all.  Making things happen.

 Finally, on the following day, I want you to  act on one of  the  items in each of those categories.  No excuses, just start with one item.  Make a call, send a letter or email, talk to someone that can help you or to someone that you have been avoiding.  Just do something!

Repeat this exercise for one week.  Think for one day and then the next day take action.  Think again, act again.  It is that simple!  The key to this exercise if to truly believe that you can make these things come true.  Remember, you have no fear.  After all fear does not come from someone else, it is completely made up by us. So if you can turn fear on, then you can turn it off.

I know that you will be amazed by the results that this produces. .

Please share with me some of the things that you have accomplished by using this exercise.

Remember, there are no limits to your greatness

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