Sunday, July 29, 2012

Getting more from your associates!

Recently I had a conversation with a manager that I work with.  One thing that stands out to me is the way his staff responds to him.  No matter what he asks them to do, they never complain.  Whether it is to change their shift to cover for someone else or if it is to work overtime on short notice.  They always say yes! 

When I asked him what his "secret" was, he responded very quickly : "They see me working too."  He went on to say, "When someone is out sick or on vacation, I do not let the work go undone or ask one of them to pick up the slack, I pick up a broom, paintbrush or wrench and do the job myself." 

Throughout my years in management, I have seen this over and over again. The managers who get the most out of their people, are the ones that are willing to "get dirty".  When the people you work with see that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done and not just delegate tasks, they will be willing to follow you anywhere and do whatever you ask of them.

So, the next time you are wondering why you can not get your associates to work harder and be more flexible, take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I leading by example?"

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