Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I am here to get you what you want!

Have you ever seen ads for Life Coaches and think, that would be great!  Wishing you had someone that would push you or give you advice on which direction you should go at certain point in time?  What has stopped you in the past?  Was it the cost?  Probably.  Maybe the time?  Most likely that too. Most people know that having a coach could help enhance their lives, but the cost and time are too much.  They don't have the "extra funds" or the "spare time" to hire a coach.

That is where I come in.  I would like to offer you my experience of over 15 years of coaching and management...for free.  That's right, FREE!

Why? This is my way of giving back.  I have been very lucky in life.  I was raised in a loving and supportive family.  When I found the one I love, we were able to have two beautiful and healthy children and I have always been able to work and support my family.

I would like to help you get on the right path.  You may be sitting there thinking, "What can he do for me?"  "What does he know that I don't?"  Maybe nothing.  But, I may be able to give you one idea or just the right push in the correct direction that will spark your next great accomplishment or help you overcome an obstacle.

The great thing is, even if you do not feel that this is working for you, it didn't cost you a thing.  On the other side (which is where I think you will be) you may gain confidence, wealth and security in yourself.

Through out these blogs and responses to your questions you will see words that are blue.  These are links. They will bring you to a book or tapes that I feel may be of interest to you. Just click on them and see if it is something that may interest you.

Remember, you are the captain, you are in charge of you.  No one else can control your destiny...only you!  No matter what other people say or do, they cannot control your life's outcome.  Sometimes it does not feel that way, but trust me it is true!

Are you ready to take control of your life?  Do you want to build a plan and start reaping the rewards of all your hard work?  If so, email me at jrg92010@gmail.com and we will get started!

I look forward to working with all of you!

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