Monday, March 14, 2016

What have you done for them?

Most people are always worried about what the world is going to do for them.  When are they going to get that great job?  When are the riches going to start rolling in?  How can they do less and make more?

The truth is, they are going about it the wrong way.  You have to give, give, give before your can start receiving anything.

Stop doing things just because they will help you in the long run.  Do them just to help someone else. You don't have to donate lots of money to help those less fortunate.

Donate your time.  Take one Saturday or Sunday per month and help out at your local youth origination or coach a team. Maybe get more involved with your church.  It does not really matter what it is.  It is truly the action that matters most.

If you consistently give, you will be amazed on how the universe returns the favor.  Start today!

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