Sunday, January 8, 2017


Image result for photo of a juggler

How many things are you juggling right now?  Home, work, kids, spouse, work (again).  It seems crazy at times.  I am here to tell you a hard truth.  If you have not reached your fullest potential or reached your financial, health and spiritual goals, then you are not juggling enough!

I know, before you have a meltdown and tell me I have no idea what I am talking about, hear me out.

Think about all the things you do everyday.  Get up, get the kids ready for school, walk the dog, go to work, come home, make dinner, feed the dog, walk the dog, help the kids with their homework, put them to bed, finish the dishes, then try to get 5 minutes to yourself or speak with your spouse or partner.  Wow, you DO have a lot going on.

Here is the question of the day...What did you do today to work towards YOUR goals?  Did you workout, so you can tone up or lose that 10 pounds?  Did you spend time working on that book you have been "meaning" to write?  How about updating your resume, so you can get out of that dead end job?  None of it, really?  Why?

The answer I hear over and over again...TIME.  Here is another truth you are not going to like: You have the same number of hours in a day as Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa and many others who decided that they were going to make their dreams come true.  They didn't let a little thing like time stand in their way.

If you don't have time with the hours you have now, make more hours!  Get up a half hour earlier to work on that book.  Do a quick 15-minute workout before you go to bed.  Work through lunch and finish that resume.

The problem is that it is easier to blame time instead of making time and putting in the work. Don't look back in a year from now and realize you are still in the same place.  Start small and make it happen.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Get Lean in 2017!

1. Eat Less

2. Spend Less

3. Keep Less

1. Eat Less
    I have found that the easiest way to control what you are eating and cut calories is by tracking what you are eating.  My favorite App is called Lose It.  You can find it in the Apple App Store or Google Play.  It is extremely easy to use and remember all the food you have logged from previous meals.  It also lets you scan bar code to automatically input foods.  But, the function I like the most is that it tracks your exercise directly from you Apple Watch or Fitbit and deducts those calories from you daily intake.  Give it a try, you will be amazed with the results!

2. Spend Less
    Again the key here is to tracking.  My favorite tool for this is Mint.  Also found in the App Store or Goole Play.  This app connects directly to your credit or debit card and tracks all your spending.  It then separates it into categories, such as Food & Dining, Auto, Bills & Utilities, Financial, Home, etc.   You can set up budgets and even pay bills from the app.  There are a few items that get "miscoded", but you are able to go in and change them if they are important enough to worry about.  Start tracking and start saving!

2. Keep Less
This is the easiest way to "Get Lean".  A lot of people get clothes for the holidays.  One of the best ways to clean out your closet is to use the following rule:

For every item of clothing you get received as a gift this year, you have to find three items that no longer fit you, are worn out or you know you will never wear again and either give them away or throw them out.  It is amazing how little time it takes do do this.  Get in that closet and clean house!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Getting Started!

Getting Started!

The first step is always the hardest. I am sure you have experienced this many times in your life. You put off things that may be hard because you are either afraid of what may happen or it seems like it may be too difficult to get the ball rolling. 

Then, once you take that first step, you notice that it really wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. We tend to do that with most things. Our minds come up with all the things that can go wrong in a situation or new adventure.  Stop listening to you doubts.

So, here is the first exercise that I want you to practice. Every time you face a situation where you need to try something new and it may seem too hard to accomplish or that you may get resistance, I want you to write down the 5 GOOD things that will come out of it if you DO take action. This is not a "pro/con" list. Just a "pro" list. To be honest, for most things the cons really don't matter!

Do not focus on what can go all! Get those thoughts out of your head completely. Write down the 5 things that will make your life better and will give you more happiness in your life.

The next step is to read (and even better, say aloud) those five things to yourself until you take that first step. Do not stop reading the list to yourself until you take action!  Depending on what the task is, this may take a few times in one day or it may take several days of you reading it every morning. Some tasks are bigger (and scarier) than others, so they take more convincing.

Here is an example:

Start a new business on the Internet

  1. More freedom
  2. Extra income
  3. Chance to work for myself
  4. Having complete control of business decisions
  5. Making new and great contacts
Now, stop reading and start taking action! Go write down your list and start taking action. Let me know how it goes!  Please send me comments on the post or Tweet me

Friday, March 25, 2016

Learning from the Greats!

Learning from the Greats!

Check out Tim Ferriss'  Podcast with Laird HamiltonGabby Reece and Brian MacKenzie

It was great to hear from professionals that have risen to the top of their respective sports speak about what drives them and how they keep everything in their lives in perspective.  Enjoy the lessons!

Monday, March 14, 2016

What have you done for them?

Most people are always worried about what the world is going to do for them.  When are they going to get that great job?  When are the riches going to start rolling in?  How can they do less and make more?

The truth is, they are going about it the wrong way.  You have to give, give, give before your can start receiving anything.

Stop doing things just because they will help you in the long run.  Do them just to help someone else. You don't have to donate lots of money to help those less fortunate.

Donate your time.  Take one Saturday or Sunday per month and help out at your local youth origination or coach a team. Maybe get more involved with your church.  It does not really matter what it is.  It is truly the action that matters most.

If you consistently give, you will be amazed on how the universe returns the favor.  Start today!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Win $100 for Your Story!

We want to hear your story!  We want to hear it so much, we are willing to pay you $100 for it!  We are accepting stories for the next 48 hours only.  After reviewing all the submissions, we will pick our favorite and that person will win a $100 Visa Gift card!  It is that simple.  Here are the parameters:

Topic:  How I am going to Change the World
Who: Any one can submit a story!
Length:  Tell us your story in 500 words or less
Judged on: Creativity of idea and inspiration
Deadline: 8am Friday May 9, 2014

To win you must submit the story with a valid email address.  I don't want to over complicate this.  Start submitting now!

Good luck to all!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Rule of Five

What are you waiting for?  Are you waiting for the alarm clock to go off?  Well here it is...Ring Ring!

Now is YOUR time.  The time that you are going to make your mark on the world.  What is it going to be?  Are you going to be the next Steve Jobs?  Do you have a million dollar idea?  I would bet all of my money that you do.  But, what have you done to act on that idea?  Maybe you don't know where to start?  If so, here is a tip that has worked for me and hundreds of others reach their goals.

The Rule of Five

The rule of five is simple:  Everyday do five things that will help you reach your goal.  It could be anything.  Send an email to a contact that can help you in reach that next step.  Go to a social gathering that will put you in front of people where you can network. Make a call to a mentor or coach that can keep you pointed in the right direction.  Start a blog about your subject or product.  Send your product or book to someone that can write about it in the paper or on their blog/website.

Everyday think of five new ways to reach out and let people know about your product or service.  People are not just going to pick up the phone or send you an email, unless they know where to find you.  You need to take action everyday!

Good luck!