Sunday, January 8, 2017


Image result for photo of a juggler

How many things are you juggling right now?  Home, work, kids, spouse, work (again).  It seems crazy at times.  I am here to tell you a hard truth.  If you have not reached your fullest potential or reached your financial, health and spiritual goals, then you are not juggling enough!

I know, before you have a meltdown and tell me I have no idea what I am talking about, hear me out.

Think about all the things you do everyday.  Get up, get the kids ready for school, walk the dog, go to work, come home, make dinner, feed the dog, walk the dog, help the kids with their homework, put them to bed, finish the dishes, then try to get 5 minutes to yourself or speak with your spouse or partner.  Wow, you DO have a lot going on.

Here is the question of the day...What did you do today to work towards YOUR goals?  Did you workout, so you can tone up or lose that 10 pounds?  Did you spend time working on that book you have been "meaning" to write?  How about updating your resume, so you can get out of that dead end job?  None of it, really?  Why?

The answer I hear over and over again...TIME.  Here is another truth you are not going to like: You have the same number of hours in a day as Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa and many others who decided that they were going to make their dreams come true.  They didn't let a little thing like time stand in their way.

If you don't have time with the hours you have now, make more hours!  Get up a half hour earlier to work on that book.  Do a quick 15-minute workout before you go to bed.  Work through lunch and finish that resume.

The problem is that it is easier to blame time instead of making time and putting in the work. Don't look back in a year from now and realize you are still in the same place.  Start small and make it happen.