Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Rule of Five

What are you waiting for?  Are you waiting for the alarm clock to go off?  Well here it is...Ring Ring!

Now is YOUR time.  The time that you are going to make your mark on the world.  What is it going to be?  Are you going to be the next Steve Jobs?  Do you have a million dollar idea?  I would bet all of my money that you do.  But, what have you done to act on that idea?  Maybe you don't know where to start?  If so, here is a tip that has worked for me and hundreds of others reach their goals.

The Rule of Five

The rule of five is simple:  Everyday do five things that will help you reach your goal.  It could be anything.  Send an email to a contact that can help you in reach that next step.  Go to a social gathering that will put you in front of people where you can network. Make a call to a mentor or coach that can keep you pointed in the right direction.  Start a blog about your subject or product.  Send your product or book to someone that can write about it in the paper or on their blog/website.

Everyday think of five new ways to reach out and let people know about your product or service.  People are not just going to pick up the phone or send you an email, unless they know where to find you.  You need to take action everyday!

Good luck!